Wednesday, December 16, 2015


The Magi of Winter Solstice 
Group Meditation/Workshop
As the days wind down to our longest and darkest hours, the magi of winter solstice begin to awake with gold, frankincense, & myrrh.   Into the sylvan gathering where the last light of our solar journey brings closure to the year, we will be reflecting and sharing the triumphs & tribulations of the past year, gathering and storing the wisdom from life's lessons.  Also, we will gather awareness and strength to mindfully release what has not served us well.  Leaving behind the old and welcoming in the new.
This can be a bumpy process but with a firm grounding in group meditation, an established foundation where we can sit and observe  without attachment to what comes through,  energetically, neurologically, biochemically... recalibration through simple intention can occur.  This is the magi of the solstice...the waving of the wand of intention upon what hasn't served us and replacing it with what shall propel us forward!  Toward our highest potential on the physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual dimensions...onward...ever onward...we go in health...  

With courage we will look at aspects of ourselves that we really want to change, why we want to change them, and how.  We will open it up to the group to input ideas on how to help us where we are stuck and how to navigate and transform it.  Often a real look at where a core change needs to occur can reverberate and act as catalyst to an overall energetic transformation where the 'old' simply cannot exist alongside the 'new'...for a vibratory resonance of a more mindful, conscious, present awareness has set in.  The strength from ones meditation creates the fortitude to embody the 
energy of the 'new self'...aspired...
As the darkest dark is cast upon the face of the earth, what shall you be leaving in its wake?  And at the second where the Magi of Winter Solstice slip through the veil toward ever brightening light, what shall you be taking with you as your staff, your strength?  Can you see the shimmering gold amongst the earthen smells of frankincense & myrrh?  

 Each year we return to this ritual, this ceremony.  Each year we have the opportunity to send our trajectories toward more fully living, loving, & serving.
To meditate together with this intention, is the grandest gift as it is the refining of the self, the polishing of the mirror, and the celebration of a new beginning within ourselves, for the earth, & in fellowship...
to making it magical
and spreading greater beauty upon the earth

Merry Solstice & Blissful Kisses Under the Mistletoe
trish pascual 'prema'

The Magi of Winter Solstice: Group Meditation

Hataraj Yoga Center
December 18th, 2015
Friday 5-7pm
special earth brew (tea) 
pot full of magic (veggie soup)


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Yoga Beach Retreat Maui: Mythological Journey of Inner Transformation Jan 18-24, 2016

Jan. 18th-24th, 2016
A Mythological Journey of Inner Transformation 
Get out of the cold and discover your mythology through your unique soul's journey...
We retreat to go deeper into our souls take a meaningful pause and look at how our life has evolved from birth to the present moment. Sharing pivotal moments...imprints in whatever form they came that have made us who we are in how we think, dream, behave, seek, envision, interact, & manifest. Getting to know ourselves and realigning our energy and efforts to the inner work & revelations within...projecting ourselves forward to truly meet and evolve in the greater work we are meant to do in our lifetime. Our personal mythos, our hero's journey will unfold beautifullly 'talkin story' around each evenings campfire...reawakening the power of the oral tradition and the muse that captures our heart through creative self-expression be it a visual, a song, a dance, an act, a poem....

Eating vegetarian meals and 2x daily yoga asanas & meditation at sunrise & sunset, will help clear and purify our body systems of all the hustle & bustle & all the toxic cellular debris of modern life that fogs our way and distracts our focus. We will be nourished & supported to come into greater ease within ourselves and therefore interface with our eternal truths. Daily labryinth walks and journal writing will be encouraged through suggested reflections, questions, & introspections.

To give illumination to the inner self and be empowered to sing our own song of creation alongside the whales is the intention and vision of our retreat gathering....for it is whale season and they will be giving birth as we rebirth into a greater cycle of our own personal evolution. The spiritual richness of this retreat will be balanced by discourse on yoga as a science for physical, mental, and spiritual development, personal time in the afternoon to surf, snorkel, rest or engage in artistic endeavors & a closing celebration back into the world w/ special libations of delectable proportions. With a kayak guided tour to be with the mystical creatures in our Maui waters, tropical smoothies and other special will be divine !

Please See More Details Below and Reserve the last cabin for 4-6 people...
time is flying fast:

Call to Reserve:
Trish Pascual 'Prema' is the host & leader of this retreat. She is a Structural Yoga Therapist, Living Yoga Retreat Leader, & Food is Medicine Advocate/Coach with her Master's in Education. 