Thursday, September 19, 2013

Harvest moon into fall equinox meditation workshop: 

September 21st 2013

Today, September 19th 2013 is our harvest moon and on Sunday, September 21st it will be our fall equinox.  In the fullness of the moon we transition into an opportunity to balance as the equinox is a time of equal day and night...a momentary portal within which we can harness or harvest the harmony and balance of nature and its cycles.  This portal, this point where the moon face shines in full spectrum of the sun is our chance to also, look straight through all the confusion, drama, hurt, and fear directly and embrace the opposite...soak up the opposite.  Harnessing the clarity, meditation, love, and courage to hold in balance for ourselves and others, our dual, human  nature such that a unity consciousness of a spiritual nature can lead the way, into the oncoming darkening days.  It is a time also, to reflect on all the fruits of our inward and outward labor from the year and integrate them deep within, such that all lessons and wisdom truly become part of us on a cellular level.  From this psychic nourishment we can extend our roots deeper into our mother earth and tap into her well of unconditional love so that we may draw up the feminine and meet the masculine in better equilibrium within ourselves and society.  Expressing that balance in everything we intend, think, and do and celebrating in a more organic, holistic, homeostasis that is regenerating, rejuvenating, restoring, and revitalizing to our soul.  

In this meditation workshop we will be guided in a full hour of restorative yoga poses, essential oils/essences, guided relaxation and visualizations, sound therapy, and journal writing to initiate our entrance into the womb of fall where we each so desperately need to nourish, nurture, and become one with ourselves...
Join us in our sacred circle, sacred space, and sacred support as we celebrate with meaningful ritual and supportive practices, the natural cycles of life and their purpose in our lives.

Gifts for the Evening
*healing medicine: herbal teas
*nourishing carrot yam coconut soup to share and ground our evening
*workshop journal & flower

***Please call or email to register***

Prema Devii "Trish"