Sunday, May 24, 2015


Food is Medicine...Eating is Ritual 
Weekend Workshop Intensive 
meals, yoga classes, meditation included

June 12, 2015
 Discourse on establishing an empowering relationship with food especially in light of our modern day food supply, emotional stuckness in regards to eating, mental patterns that do not serve the body and its ability to obtain optimal health, healing, and fitness, and a  mindful lifestyle of vitality & self-love

*tea, raw juice & dinner included

 June 13, 2015
Full Day Workshop of the first 3 steps of Food is Medicine...Eating is Ritual. You will understand and experience exactly what to do & eat for detoxification, healing of the digestive system, & improving nutrient absorption  

*raw juices, smoothies, brunch & dinner included
-morning & evening yoga classes   
(body posturing for detoxification & weight loss)
-evening guided meditation 

 June 14, 2015
Half Day Workshop of the last 3 steps of Food is Medicine. You will understand and experience exactly what to do & eat for hormone balancing, strengthening the immune system, and optimizing nutrition 

*raw juices, smoothies, brunch included
-afternoon yoga class   
(body posturing for hormone balance, stress reduction, & restoration)
-afternoon meditation

Prema Devii
E-500 RYT, M.A
Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist & Food is Medicine Educator/Coach

Space is Limited

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Reflection on my Food is Medicine...Eating is Ritual Workshops/Retreats!

Food is Medicine...Eating is Ritual
My love affair with food stems from reverence for my body as a vehicle for conscious development.   The yogic path has strengthened my understanding of this and has enabled me to embody this truth to a finer and finer degree.  If I take care of my body, it will take care of me.  When I nourish optimally, feeding my body the best quality ingredients from the best sources and in a well balanced way, I feel my best in all aspects of my life mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually.

Think about it, every system in your body, the cardiovascular, neurological, respiratory, lymphatic, immune, endocrine, muscular, skeletal, digestive...are fighting to keep you healthy!!!!  These systems are fighting and working together to keep homeostasis, the level of balance for everything to run well and repair damage.  Every cell is fighting to absorb proper nutrients to maintain body functions and every cell is fighting to eliminate toxins/poisons that it cannot and should not use to rebuild your body. 

 Are you providing the appropriate fuel and raw material for every body system to function optimally?  This is the driving question.  For every disease, illness, & condition  can be linked to one of two things: 1) nutrient deficiency and/or  2) body toxicity.  

When you consider these two things, you come to the core wisdom of Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga.  This ancient wisdom tradition is simple "life knowledge!"  It is based on the fact that,  THE ROOT OF HEALTH and/or ILLNESS CAN BE FOUND IN THE GUT...    

  I am passionate about my workshop: FOOD IS MEDICINE...EATING IS RITUAL because it is driven by this wisdom.  It all boils down to what and how we eat and digest food!!!  I am even more passionate about helping others to change their relationship to food by emphasizing that what we eat and how we eat food, plays an essential role in how we consciously evolve as a species & as a planet.

  My work through yoga &  food, is a spiritual odyssey!  It is geared toward helping others achieve their highest potential in this form and in this lifetime.  This is what I offer you!   With earth or Gaia as our teacher,  this odyssey is rooted in the basic elements of life: earth, water, fire, air, and ether.  By the same token, it is rooted to the ancient wisdom within our cellular and neural memory, to the teachings that unfold through the intelligence of the heart.  The energetic intelligence that awakens from this powerful connection between our earth and our heart launches the odyssey to beautiful trajectories into the metaphysical... for such is our nature.  

Honoring our return to our human nature of supernormal ability to bring the highest caliber of living to this planet, I introduce some of my writing from a book I am writing called... 

 Book of Gaia:  
Our body of living knowledge 

By Prema Devii

 (so stay tuned to my blog for upcoming discourse/writings/reflections)

Monday, May 11, 2015

Reflections on our Group Meditations

When the ripples on the pond reverberate out to still, clear perception through the waters of the mind, do you recognize the being in that reflection?  Will you be able to say "Hello, nice to finally see...YOU!"

The Mind is The Real Frontier

 While human pursuits to understand the universe have focused primarily on going into outer space, the real frontier that we need to sojourn is the inner space of the mind.  If we do this, the nature of the universe and of ourselves will be directly available to us for as below.  Furthermore, as we interact with the workings of our own, unique mind and as we evolve in mastering its functions, so too does the collective mind evolve.  Individual self-mastery has always been the path! 

Quieting the chatter of the mind is the beginning and for many, this remains the toughest challenge. This is why there must be diligent practice to weed the garden of the mind of thoughts that do not serve in helping us evolve toward greatness.  Weeding out thoughts of harm, that are not in alignment with the highest good, that do not utilize our energy wisely, that instigate taking from others what isn't given, and thoughts that clutter, confuse, & distract us from being in our highest values is crucial!  Needless to say it takes a regular clearing out of these weeds for the best gardens to grow.  Such is our mind.  We must not only weed but cultivate a lifestyle of balance through contentment, purity of thought, self-less service to others, a healthy pursuit of truth, & cultivate reverence for the mystery of life itself.  These are the beginning stages of the path... diligently weeding and cultivating the garden of the mind with the right intention to bring forth the greatest fruit!

  So we sit, and sit, and sit again to become still, quiet, and calm enough so that we can begin to harness the power of our highest self.  This self embodies the presence, awareness, observation, non-judgement, transformation, acceptance, surrender & ability to holds the power of discernment, courage, trust, and love.  In the power of our highest self, then we hold the tools to utilize our mind for our highest potentialities.  Embodying this power we embody our highest self.  We are reborn the master of our life and not the victim or slave.  Master your mind or it will master and control you as it is the source of your happiness, ease, & joy 
and the source of your own suffering, torment, & discontent.  

To own responsibility for how your mind functions is key.  In our collective consciousness we tote the notion that the reality we are living is the reality we are creating.
So, while we can wave banners about what we know to be true, what are we  actually doing about it?  Weeding and cultivating is the work required.  Nobody is responsible for how you are experiencing and feeling in your life except YOU and YOU is all there is!  You are the master of your own house!  You hold the keys! 

 A regular practice of meditation is a laboratory for this work.  Going into the inner space of self and sitting, quieting external and internal energies so as to settle into a place of calm awareness & observation.  Without entanglement or identification to what arises  from the projections of the mind,  establish a buffer, a safe zone of neutrality between poles where there is a suspension of thought & emotion.  From here, ground the journey of meditation to the earth and sky through the breath and allow the heart to open.  Aligned to earth and sky through the heart, concentrate and direct your attention to the breath as  the ebb and flow of all that has been programmed, conditioned, and energetically played out sometimes for lifetimes even, can break onto the shore of your being with a mighty force.  Be not easily swayed or distracted from the breath and wait it out utilizing the different tools not only of breath, but also affirmations, visualizations, imagination etc. at  your discretion.  After all, it is a different journey each time you navigate and chart through.  Expectiations will not serve you by the way!  When the ebb and flow subside and/or the calm within the storm allows for some clarity,  what comes up for you?  What feelings or sensations arise? 

 How does your mind, your ego, try to distract you from that calm present awareness?  With what comes to surface, can you just observe and become aware without any disturbance?  Many strong currents, tidal waves even can and do bash up against you trying to take you asunder into feelings of doubt, judgement, fear, anxiousness, aggression... all attempts at continuing to hijack the empowered, higher self by the ego driven mind.  You feel this fight as ceaseless thoughts, patterns, emotions both positive and negative, physical discomforts, and sharp discontent.  As you disentangle yourself over and over from this "monkey mind" breaking free to reside in the power of your highest self, the fight will become less fierce and will diminish through regular practice. 
 Raising your mind from the fight of the monkey mind to the consciousness of the higher self is the battle or challenge that deters people from fully coming into deeper meditative states.  So to come back to the beginning steps of the path of weeding intentions, thoughts, words, & actions that do not serve us and cultivating those intentions, thoughts, words, & actions that do again, is the work it takes to gain control.  Diligence, discernment, refinement on a moment to moment basis then can give way to sheer mastery. 

Do you have the wherewithal to weed and cultivate....weed and cultivate?  Are you becoming a master of your own house?  Can you navigate from the polarity of discontent to one of joy and back at your own will?  Can you maneuver from fear to love and love to expanded joy and service for the good of all?  Can you find your way to your authentic, highest self  from your falsified illusions of self?  Can you come to a place of neutrality, a place where there is no emotional attachment to either polarity of emotional identification to the storyline...and just be present and aware observing how your life has come to be what it your mind and sense of self has come to be....and, are you happy with what you see and feel about yourself, your life? 

Allow the journey of meditation to reveal the real frontier of self and source...

To the master within each of you!
Peace & Blessings
Prema Devii

Register for our Group Meditations
Every other Friday
May 22nd, June 5th & 19th

Hataraj Yoga Center
Santa Rosa, CA
tea & soup served