Thursday, December 27, 2012


 Yoga for Women
Hataraj Yoga Studio
Wednesdays 9am-11am
Thursdays 11am-1pm
$20 a class w/ punch card

*personalized attention

*deepen your understanding of yoga

*addressing issues related to: 
healthy aging & youthfulness
preventing osteoporosis
hormone balancing
 intuition, wisdom, & the feminine
 balancing mind, body, & spirit

*raw veggie juice/smoothie/ or soup & 
reflections to end

Register with:
Trish “Prema Devii”

Tuesday, December 18, 2012



"In service to our community, I invite you, friends, & family to join me in learning yogic meditation so as to start, establish, & maintain a practice.  As expressed by Pantanjali in the Yoga Sutras, "YOGA IS CONTROLLING THE THOUGHT WAVES OF THE MIND".  This is the ultimate goal of our yoga postures, to purify the body and mind physically so that we can discipline ourselves to sit quietly, direct our energy and focus inward, and experience our true nature,  free from the "mental chatter".  

For many, this can be uncomfortable at first because we, in not developing a practice of stillness, have by default, trained our minds to run rampant, untamed...However, we all know that thoughts not only effect our emotional state, but also, manifests our we experience our lives and the world around us.  In order to change things positively, we must address the mind, we must develop healthy  practices that clear our mental space, center ourselves, quiet the noise, and connect us to our "higher self", the "SELF" that sees the planet and all beings within a greater, intelligent universe, that therefore  carries the wisdom that is bestowed when we function from that perspective, that therefore opens in compassion & service to all beings, that sees and feels all as one! 

Meditation is a powerful means also, of activating the pineal gland which is responsible for
 hormones such as seratonin and dmt that allow for feelings of well-being, bliss, healthy dreaming and unity.  It is also responsible for melatonin production that insures better sleep.   
As yoga means "union", this is our aim...unity through meditation or mindful stillness.  We cultivate and come to know not just the word "union", but more importantly, how it feels to be ONE!  We must imprint or register this feeling within our being by residing in it for periods of time...longer and longer periods of time so that we can return to it, know when it is lacking, and especially how to use it to self-manage and improve our lives.  Mental equilibrium and sense of wholeness is what the world needs!  We see this need all around us, in the news, media, entertainment, in our personal lives & drama of the day to join me in this practice of peace...
Join me to help establish ourselves as peacekeepers by returning to the quiet stillness of our original nature, our highest self!

SATURDAY:  DEC 22, 2012
all meditation classes are free, 
in service to the greater good


10 spots available
Prema Devii "Trish"

*bring a potluck dish/snack to share
*your favorite sitting pillow (I have five for us)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012



Namaste and Blessings these Autumn Days!!!
As we come into the deeper introspections and internal processing of fall into winter,  many of us may be experiencing increased discomfort and/or challenges as shifts or transitions like these always come with some degree of change...mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. To facilitate smoother transitions and growth during this time, it is essential to ground and tune up in our body and mind.  Therefore I am sharing my work on a more therapeutic level as a Thai Yoga Posturer  Structural Yoga Therapist.
Improve your Yoga Practice with Thai Yoga Posturing/Massage:
You lie on a Thai mat and I work intimately with your breathing so we are in tune with each other.  I begin to gently rock or apply pressure starting from your feet up.  Positioning you in yoga postures & applying pressure often with my hands, elbows, feet, knees etc.  The goal is to open & massage 10 key energy lines running through the body.  Applying deeper pressure or alignment on exhales and moving all joints, increased flexibility, alignment, rotation, and energetic flow are experienced...I literally stretch you out and move your do nothing but breath and relax.  Acupressure points especially on the feet, hands, and cranial are activated for improved energetic flow and a deepened sense of well-being is the end result!  Before each following session I prescribe certain postures for you to do  as well as certain supplements or dietary recommendations to support the changes that occur and to help make each session most beneficial! :) 

Autumn Blessings: 
May we turn inward with honor of the mind/body complex and establish self-healing practices that nourish and empower our true selves, that we may live in fulfillment...pure joy...contentment...& compassion  toward ourselves & each other! 
  $150       1.5hr (recommended)
  $90         1 hr

      ***Gift Certificates ***
Available for Thai Yoga Posturing/Massage, Yoga Instruction/Therapy
      Hataraj Studio:
     Off Mendocino & College

      Prema Devii  "Trish"
      Thai Yoga Training
 (Sunshine School: Chiang Mai, Thailand)
         E-500RYT, M.A. Education


Saturday, December 1, 2012

How Yoga Works #3!

The Ancient Science of Yoga
We are energy beings!  The ancients have lived in accordance with this understanding and have,  developed health and healing practices not only to maintain vitality, but also to raise consciousness.  For   now, we will focus on health and healing on the physical level.

  We in this culture are now aware of these age old practices that have come from the East.  They are all   based on the fact that we are energy: Tai Chi, Chi Gong, acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu, reflexology, Thai massage & yes,  Y O G A!  Keep in mind yoga went eastward and the essence of yoga evolved into the practices before mentioned.

 Much like the earth, we have a north and south pole  through which energy enters our body/mind system: the feet and the crown of the head, the hands, orifices of the body, and the skin.  In yoga, this energy, this "life force" that animates us, brings all things to life,  keeps us going, moving, is called PRANA.  It is the life force that is best understood as that that makes a seed sprout, that that makes that sprout a plant, that plant a tree, that tree to bear abundant fruit, that fruit that feeds & nourishes us etc...  That energy, that life force, that PRANA moves, transfers from one thing to another, and can be regenerated, can be used to rejuvenate, restore, and revitalize our beings.  How you might ask?

  The physical movement of prana in our system is like that of the earth as it moves up and down our north and south pole, our spinal cord.  Much like the shape of an apple, that energy radiates out around us.  That apple shape of regenerating energy is called a "torus." Furthermore, like the earth w/ its meridians, we too have meridians, those energetic lines that run up and down the body.  In yoga they are called  NADIIS.  Some are main channels of energy and others are more subtle, but are nonetheless the physical and subtle lines of the nervous system.  

Now, focusing on Y O G A asanas/postures!
We are drawing in energy efficiently through mindful, quality breathing.  The very air is charged w/ energy, w/ electricity.  This is how yogis have been able to sustain organ function in deep, long states of meditation and how Nikola Tesla discovered the concept of "free energy." So, keeping very linear in our logic here, one can understand how the control of the breath equals control of energetic flow in the body.  Control of the breath is one of the central techniques in Y O G A and is called:
 PRANAYAMA (control of energy, of the prana)!

  So, we are drawing in energy and then our movement with breath gets that energy to flow through us, we are directing it.  This FLOW, as in our VINYASA style sequences, is very useful in achieving overall flexibility as flexibility is overall flow of energy. Second, as we stretch deeper in poses, we are in essence, improving the quality of how that energy moves in that line that the stretch is in. 
 My colleague Swami Kriyananda says, 
"You are like the plumber cleaning the tubes, the plumbing of the body."  

Yes there is the physical benefit of stretching the muscles, aligning bones, strengthening joints, and becoming more flexible on the whole, but it is because we are IMPROVING THE "PLUMBING", THE QUALITY OF THE FLOW OF ENERGY! WE ARE IMPROVING THE VOLUME OF PRANIC ENERGY WHERE IT IS  LACKING, MOVING PRANIC ENERGY WHERE IT IS IN EXCESS, AND DISTRIBUTING IT EVENLY THROUGHOUT!  

Third, when we hold a pose we become acutely aware of where we are tight or weak etc.  These are the areas where energy is or hasn't been flowing, where energy is or has been depleted or lacking altogether,  where energy is unstable or not strong, or where energy needs to be released or evened out...This is why the most important part of our practice is to get more and more quality breaths while in a posture as we are addressing and correcting all of these things.  So direct the energy, use the breath, and listen to the body/mind system and let the inner intelligence within guide the practice.  
This inner work is the real yoga! 

To conclude, let's talk about our physical health.  
In a nutshell, improving the "plumbing", improving the flow of energy, the quality of energy, the volume of energy, filling it in where it is lacking, moving energy out when it is in excess or negatively affecting us, and last, making sure it is balanced throughout our bodies and mind,  allows us to reach higher states of health and well-being!  This is due to the simple fact that better energetic flow equals better circulation of blood, nutrients, lymph, etc. which allows for healing, fitness, and vibrant health to occur.  Remember energy is the underlying principal, it is what moves, it is what gets things circulating.  When energy flows, this equals better movement in the body due to the awakening and nourishing of those parts that have been damaged, overused, abused, and ignored. This equals less discomfort, illness, and pain.  This equals a sense of well-being.  When we feel well in our body energy is flowing, there are no blockages, no stagnation.  We are breathing well, moving intelligently to balance ourselves, our movements, our posture.  We are nourishing ourselves with breath and allowing for that torus shape of regenerating, abundant energy to flow around and through our body, our mind ever aware of the infinite supply of this life force from the very universe we live in.  

When we are radiating in this way, how can we not want to connect deeper with that infinite source of life, how can we not want to be of service to each other, how can we, in that abundance, not want to achieve higher states of being with ourselves and each other as there is truly no need to fear that there isn't enough...when there is the INFINITE! 

to truth, love, light, and energy
Prema Devii 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Power Yoga Class @ Hataraj Studio

Power Yoga Class
Hataraj Yoga Studio 
( Mendocino Ave. near Santa Rosa Junior College)
Thursdays 5:00pm-6:30pm
$20 a class w/ punch card
*personalized attention
*deepen your understanding of yoga
*raw veggie juice, smoothie, or soup after

Register with:
Trish “Prema Devii”

Saturday, November 10, 2012



     Hataraj  Y O G A    
 Gift Certificate 
This gift entitles ___________________________________ 
to ______ sessions of the following:
 _____ 1) yoga training/instruction (1.5hrs)
_____ 2) yoga therapy & Thai yoga posturing/massage (2hrs)
From: ___________________________________________
By: _____________________________________________
Prema Devii "Trish" (RYT 500, M.A.)   808-269-2638

Give the Gift of:
(at my home studio) (+$5 each session at your home)
-3 sessions (1.5hrs each)
-initial phone consultation 
-Session 1: Key poses in a basic sequence to observe, assess, and address issue and/or goal of your yoga practice
-Session 2: Begin your personalized yoga asana sequence and breathing technique, make adjustments & modifications to understand how to move in and out of poses, hold correct alignment, & utilize breath while in the pose
-Session 3: Establish oneself with the sequence & practice so that  you can maintain & progress in time

Give the Gift of:
Yoga Therapy & Thai Yoga Posturing/Massage
(at my home studio) (+$5 each session at your home)
-3 sessions (2hrs each)
-initial phone consultation 
1-YOGA THERAPY uses yoga techniques such as poses, breath work, concentration & relaxation techniques, guided meditation & visualization, yogic values & ethics, along w/ the sister science of yoga: AYURVEDA (a healing science that uses diet, nutrition, supplements, & other purifying, rejuvenating, restorative techniques) so that each person regains health, accelerates healing, becomes more physically fit, and maintains an empowered sense of self...
2-We address not just the physical, outer layer of the body, but rather seek to address issues/goals from the inside out, using yoga & ayurveda on also the mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual   layers of our being.  In other words the deeper integration of all aspects of ourselves is the driving goal.
3-Thai Yoga Posturing/Massage is very therapeutic & is often used to deeply connect clients to the power of yoga postures, synchronizing breath w/ the practitioner, & applying pressure/massage on the main energy lines of the body. The practitioner literally positions you in postures to restructure, release, stretch, & deepen ones awareness & healing of the body/mind complex.
4-Individualized yoga practice & Ayurvedic recommendations are given for the client to work on prior to the next session.  
5-Weekly support, guidance, & assessment of the practice are given over the phone or e-mail to determine what is working, what isn't, and what adjustments/changes are needed 

Give the gift of:
(anonymous gift/donation to an individual, group, business, or school):
1-This can be an actual certificate for someone in need
2-This can be an actual item/thing
3-This can be a service or act
*the person or group receiving the gift is only responsible for gifting to someone else no matter how big or small  ( ex: a note to someone expressing something to uplift them or make them feel cared for, buying someone a cup of tea, giving loose change, giving a yoga mat to someone :) etc.  we can get super creative here...just remember gifting has no monetary value necessarily as it is the love & intention to change the current paradigm in our minds that is valueless... From: "there isn't enough" to "there is abundance & thoughtfulness in this world!!!!!! " 

*upon receiving a gifting gift you will receive a card that says: "You have been gifted and to keep care & abundance flowing, simply gift to someone else & hand them the card so they can gift ...keeping it going!"

Gifted recently: 
1) An anonymous person donated a yoga block & strap.  If you would like this I'd like to pass it on to you... 
2) I am also gifting a 3 sessions (1hr each) combining all the above for someone you know is in need...please let me know & I will contact them to gift them my services
May the suffering, pain, & discomfort that occurs in this life be eclipsed by the blissful union that occurs when we balance and harmonize ourselves on every level, with that eternal, conscious intelligence that resonates in every cell and throughout this expanding universe...
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Blessings this holiday season...
looking forward to working further with each of you, your friends, & family

Prema Devii "Trish"
*Certificates are now available at our yoga classes* 

Monday, November 5, 2012



One of the most important things to keep in mind while doing yoga asanas/postures, is that it is how we do them that matters.  If our minds are focused solely on achieving an outward image of the pose, then we can greatly injure ourselves and in essence are acting contrary to the goal of yoga.  However, if we focus on naturally holding the pose in a relaxed way, then we can do the real yoga of working with breath, working with prana (subtle energy currents)!

Yoga asanas first and foremost is about movement and balancing of prana, of life energy within the physical body that can stagnate, shut down, or become intensely imbalanced causing not only physical disturbances in the body but, psychological disturbance as well.  So if our attention is on our inner experience while in a pose, if our attention can become fine tuned on the breath, then  we can begin to cultivate a more subtle awareness of our own inner flow of prana.  Think of prana as that very essence, unquantifiable essence that allows a seed to sprout & become a fruit bearing plant or immense tree, it is the life energy responsible for growth, change, evolution... Aside from what we ingest,  prana is most significantly in the breath and the more quality breath equals a better flow of prana.  Therefore it can be said that if you are not paying attention and improving your breath, your breathing pattern while in a pose, essentially you are not doing yoga, you are simply doing an exercise.  

1-Breath is the vehicle for prana 
(the life energy within us that governs all body systems)

2-Asanas direct the flow of prana

3-Growing awareness and mastery of the subtle flow of energy
 within our body/mind complex
 is YOGA

In this way, an individual receives the most from asanas if done as a personal practice or in a more intimate environment w/ their yoga teacher so as to receive proper instruction.   Not all yogic techniques are for everyone,  not all asanas are for everyone and not all styles or ways asanas are performed are for everyone either.  Keep in mind that these very large "yoga classes" are how we in the West have adapted Yoga from the East.  They have been adapted to western culture as part of physical fitness which greatly underscores the portent value of the bigger picture that is Yoga!  Let me explain:

For example, the sister science to YOGA is called AYURVEDA.  The basic understanding is that those people who are too on the go...on the go...whose minds are constantly racing and who find it difficult to clear their thoughts...who therefore may suffer from insomnia, digestive issues etc... these people need more cooling asanas, ones that calm and bring them to states of rest.  In ayurveda, they have the dosha imbalance of "Pitta".  These people would benefit from a practice that focuses on lots of forward folds for example.  Those people who are very slow to move, feel heavy or low energy and therefore may suffer from bouts of depression and/or lethargy...who probably may be overweight & have low self-esteem, these people need more active asanas, ones that activate & heat up their systems as they need to get prana really moving!  They have the dosha imbalance of "Kapha".  A third type are those who are easily distracted, quick to change their minds, seem a little unstable...those who find it difficult to gain weight perhaps, are wiry, who have a hard time focusing and following through on tasks...who therefore suffer perhaps from anxiety or panic attacks.  They have the dosha imbalance of "Vata".  These people would benefit from a well rounded practice in just the right sequence of activating to calming to balancing & restoring poses to ground them.  Yes we all have these traits as they are the primary birth patterns of being human however, because of our lifestyle, what we've been exposed to, how we've used our minds, what we eat, how we've treated our bodies, we normally show a tendency toward one more often then the others.  So Yoga Asanas in light of Ayurveda is meant to also bring us back into balance.  Whatever type we show in excess, we want to bring that down, we want to do the opposite so as to balance the imbalance.  

As we talked about in the first newsletter on how yoga works, remember it is about balancing the energies within us through physical postures and most significantly through the breath that we truly come to more harmonious states of health and well-being!  We are bodies of energy and yoga has always been about understanding the flow of energy within us and how to control it through yogic techniques so that a central energy or consciousness can arise and transcend the physical!


Prema Devii "Trish" is a registered yoga therapist with 500 training hours.  Her studio is located in Santa Rosa on Mendocino.  She goes to her clients home or they come to her studio here where individualized assessments, instruction, & adjustments can be given in a way that not only honors the traditional practice and intentions of yoga as an ancient science of mind/body/& spirit, but also honors the individuality of each persons unique character, build, & lifestyle.  She is also trained in Thai Yoga Posturing/Massage, holds regular workshops in diet, nutrition, & vibrant health, and by nature of this healing work, utilizes all these things to help each person reach their highest potentials in regards to health, healing, fitness, & conscious development.

3 Yoga Therapy Sessions

2 hrs each session:
-initial phone consultation
-ayurvedic doshic assessment
-personalized sequence of asanas/postures for your dosha
-full 1hr 15min asana class to practice your sequence
-prescribed pranayama/breath technique
-half hour Thai Yoga Posturing/Massage
-recommendations for diet/nutrition/supplements 
(herbs, vitamins, minerals etc.)

Call: Prema Devii 
(E-RYT 200, RYT 500, M.A. Education,
Thai Yoga Posturer)


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Prema Devii Newsletter #1

 How does YOGA work?
October 13, 2012

 When we practice postures, we are practicing HATHA YOGA.  In Sanskrit, the ancient language of India, "Ha" means sun and "Tha" means moon.  HATHA YOGA is literally the balancing of the sun and moon energy in our bodies.  It is the balancing of our dual nature, the right and left, the masculine and the feminine, the assertive and the receptive aspects of our being, of our personalities.  It is when these dual aspects of ourselves are balanced that a central consciousness is realized.  Once realized, we can then operate from a higher level physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually...

We feel the duality within our physical body. As we practice asanas/postures, we become aware of where we are tight, strong, open, weak, aligned  or out of balance and it is usually, at first, different on one side of our body than the other.  We might favor our right side more or our muscles might compensate for an injury on the left by making the right side work more.  In our mental and emotional body we might feel we are more extroverted and social (masculine/sun energy) then others or at certain times of the day or especially season, we may feel more introverted and solitary (feminine/moon energy).  Each of us have both energies running through us and health, healing, fitness, as well as conscious development are positively improved by the balancing of these two main energies or  sides of ourselves.  How you might ask?  The first way is in how we synchronize movement with breath!  As we inhale we receive and as we exhale we give out to the world or release, as we contract we hold and as we expand we release, as we move and hold on one side we do to the other...  In HATHA YOGA, especially because we move with breath, we bring our dual nature into a state of wholeness.  It is in relaxed states of wholeness that the body and mind heal and attain higher states of health and well-being!

This is the most essential understanding for each of us to become more and more aware of through our asana practice.  Allow it to empower your own self-learning & self-knowing!  

If you think of a well-rounded practice, we have poses that bend us forward, backward, that stretch our sides, twist and invert us.  All one really needs to do is visualize all the bones, joints, muscles, organs, tissues, body systems etc. to begin to understand the  profound health benefits that accompany the practice.  When we move intelligently into a proper stretch, when we move  the way the body was made to move and we hold a pose really using the breath to restore and relax into the pose, many changes occur.  Muscles remember how to relax, postural patterns of the body cease their hold or soften out of rigidity, bones align and are kept in place by proper strength in the joints, injured areas get the presence, oxygen, and proper movement for healing to take place, circulation and awareness flow to those parts of the body that were asleep or dulled.  The beautiful thing is, the longer we hold, the more quality breaths we can practice taking, allowing the mind/body complex to really integrate and re-pattern.  We are virtually remaking ourselves from the inside out and this above anything, marks progress... HOW WE FEEL FROM WITHIN OUR BODIES AND MINDS!  Keep in mind therefore that the more quality breaths we can take, means we are becoming more and more comfortable, more and more balanced in our energy as we hold a pose.  That is why when we see someone in a beautifully held pose, we are reminded of the grace and harmony which come from a regular, routine practice of asanas, of energy balancing!  We are witnessing in them, the right amount of strength, flexibility, and alignment in the body to achieve that level of grace and harmony in that pose. 

Hatha Yoga has an even more profound affect on the body systems of the body and for sake of proper length of the newsletter, I will say a few things on the internal organs.  As we do each pose, think of what is happening to the heart, liver, stomach, digestive tract, hormonal glands (ovaries, testes, adrenals, thymus, thyroid, pineal & pituitary...).  We are literally squeezing and twisting them and then opening and expanding them.  We are creating a pumping action that in their contraction squeezes toxins out and in their expansion pumps fresh, nutrient rich blood back through them.  When we are upside down we allow circulation of blood and lymph to reverse and then when we come right side up fresher blood and lymph travel through.  We are not only purifying body systems, but reinvigorating organs to function better!  

There is so much happening beneath the eye of HATHA YOGA.   For those of you who would like to understand this precise SCIENCE BEHIND YOGA ASANAS, I invite you to attend a workshop where we are afforded time and individual attention to delve into detail on how the asanas heal and maintain health for each body system: (the circulatory, nervous, reproductive, lymphatic, endocrine etc...)  What are the implications behind releasing toxins out of organs, behind more nutrient rich blood flowing through the organs?  How does that improve ones health exactly?  Let's discuss this further by engaging in conversation here on this blog and/or by registering for the workshop below...
Prema Devii

WORKSHOP: The Science Behind Yoga Asanas #1
-lecture, notes, and group discussion
-learn how to develop your own practice 
to address personal issues, injuries, or conditions
-asana practice 
-deepening relaxation techniques
-stilling the mind & cultivating inner peace
-sangha/community building 
-vegan, gluten free snack/drink

* Workshop is 3hrs long 
* $50 

* Call or E-mail to register:
Prema Devii

Monday, September 24, 2012



Welcome to Prema Devii's private, home yoga studio in honor of the gurukula tradition in India where students learn in a more intimate setting conducive to the deep, personal work and attention needed for yoga as an ancient science of mind, body, & spirit!  
As all yoga/asana or postures classes are HATHA YOGA 
which balances and integrates the dual nature of our physical bodies/nature...the 
right and left, the masculine and feminine, the sun and moon, the within and without, the black and white... & RAJ which refers to the ROYAL ALCHEMY of transforming and transcending the physical into the spiritual or crude matter to pure consciousness, HATARAJ comes into being!!!!   This is the work, this is the journey...the harmonizing of our essential nature to become one with that higher source, that supreme consciousness...

Prema Devii is currently conducting:

Saturday Workshops 9-12pm with
 Wednesday Yoga/Asana Classes 9-11am 
Enrollment is open as each person is on an 8 week program.  There are four official workshop levels and each person as they register are scheduled accordingly so that it all can be coordinated with our busy lives.  As revitalizing our bodies and minds and empowering ourselves with essential knowledge is crucial in this day and age, drop-ins are welcome...1-as a way to experience and be introduced to the deeper transformation the workshop entails and 2-as a way to simply spend a day inspired with knowledge to begin the desire for deeper change.  

Yoga/Asana Class Details
Enrollment is for those in the workshop although drop-ins are welcome when space is available! *Specifically designed sequence and flow of postures w/ breath work to increase metabolism and revitalize body systems.  This completes the bi-weekly yoga/asana classes for the program although more of course, is better!  Doing yoga/asanas is recommended every day to reduce if not eliminate imbalances, discomfort, pain, and stress from the body and mind complex.
Cost: $540 for full 8week program
  $50 drop ins workshops
$20 drop ins on yoga/asanas (Wed)


This workshop takes individuals through the EIGHT LIMBS OF YOGA:
1-YAMAS (thoughts of the mind we work to avoid & bring awareness to)
2-NIYAMAS (thoughts of the mind we work to cultivate & maintain)
3-ASANAS (yoga postures)
4-PRANAYAMA (breath techniques)
5- PRATYAHARA (sense withdrawal)
6-DHARANA (concentration)
7-DHYANA (meditative flow)
8-SAMADHI (union)

This is the alchemy of transforming and transcending the suffering and discomforts of the physical life into the pure, peaceful consciousness of the highest self, the atman...of  mastering one's life in accordance to higher understanding and practices for the well-being of ourselves, others, and all beings/entities.  When we experience life through the deepest level of our being, purified and balanced, we feel more and more liberated, empowered, and at peace!! 

Four (4) sessions of 3hrs each!!!!
Costs: $216

***All workshops include full yoga/asana class & vegan/gluten-free, organic meals***

Call: Prema Devii (RYT 500, M.A. Education)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


What private clients of yoga instruction/therapy and people in general from group classes/workshops have said about their experience of YOGA ....


"I feel good in my body..."

"I don't feel the need to get angry or mad anymore...the hangover after acting out
 just isn't worth it anymore...."
Michael C 

"I feel I really started to lose the weight after I really started to breath..."

"My sciatica isn't acting up, yeah, it's gone away since I've been doing yoga..."
Jaquelyn B 

"Yoga has changed my life!"
D. Saylor

"My body screams for YOGA..."
H. Baker

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Y  O  G  A   FOR                           
(8 week program)

-Weekly Workshop 
- Bi-Weekly Yoga Practice:
*learn diet, nutrition, herbs, and supplements to clean and improve digestion 

*a strong yoga sequence 2x a week to increase metabolism

 *powerful breath work to bring 
efficiency to body systems

*community building for support

*eat vegan/gluten free meals together 

*start a healthy relationship with food by learning how to prepare, cook, and enjoy

*weekly meal planning

*develop quality routines/habits 

Personal one on one program based on four 3hr workshops
 w/ a meal and a bi-weekly yoga postures class w/ raw veggie juice or a smoothie to end the session.  

This personalized program with individualized attention and support is for 8 weeks total. 

This is a program built around dates and times 
arranged to meet both our schedules.  

There can be 1-3 people enrolled at the same time.          

         $540 Tuition incl. meals  
($100 deposit)
    (*Work study and payment plan avail.!)

Call 808-269-2638
Workshop Leader:
Prema Devii  “Trish”
(yoga therapist/instructor,  
thai yoga posturer)
M.A. Education, RYT 500

Thursday, August 30, 2012

DETAILS: Yoga for Weight Loss & Vibrant Health

   E  M  P  O  W  E  R    T H Y     S E L F

    An Eight Week Yoga/Diet Program

Weekly Workshop w/ Weekly Yoga Practice:

Saturday Workshops:
-We meet for four Saturdays:
- 9am-12noon (3hrs)

Sept. 15th
Sept. 22nd
Sept. 29th 
Oct. 13th

1-learn diet, nutrition, herbs, and supplements to clean and improve digestion as the "GUT" is the "SEAT OF HEALTH"

2-start, develop, and maintain a strong yoga flow sequence to increase metabolism, shape, tone, align, strengthen, and open, and balance the body, mind, spirit

3-utilize powerful breathing techniques to bring efficiency to body systems, balance endocrine system, detoxify, reduce stress, and revitalize internal organs

4-support each other and build a community based on empowered health and vitality

5-eat consciously with healing intent for a healthy relationship to food as medicine 
for the mind, body, soul:  
*raw veggie juices or smoothies to start the workshop

*vegan/gluten-free lunch and tea (50% raw, all organic, freshly
 prepared dishes that showcase different ethnic flavors/styles)

*you will learn how to think about, prepare, and enjoy putting 
nourishing, highly nutritious ingredients together to specifically
address health concerns/issues/goals

6-develop weekly meal planning for quality routines/habits

Yoga/Asana Wednesdays:
-We meet for eight Wednesdays 
-9am-10:30am  (1.5hrs)

Sept. 19th           Oct. 17th
Sept. 26th           Oct. 24th
Oct. 3rd              Oct. 31st
Oct. 10th             Nov. 7th

*-the first month you will have 2 full yoga/asana 
classes a week
*the second month you will have 1 full yoga/asana class a week and have a personal practice that I develop for you to target key points unique to you and your body type

$540 Tuition incl. meals  ($100 deposit)
(payment plan and work study available)
Register: Call 808-269-2638

Workshop Leader:
Prema Devii  “Trish” 
Prema Devii is a yoga instructor, yoga therapist, and Thai yoga posturer with her M.A. in Education.