Friday, October 18, 2013

Yogic Meditation for lunar eclipse: October 19th 2013

Yogic Meditation 
for the lunar eclipse... 

The lunar eclipse occurs this day Oct. 18th, a time of planet, sun, and moon alignment.  The forces of these celestial bodies no doubt creating a force within us that can go deep to the heart of the change that our soul so desperately needs to meet.  We can find ourselves depending on the readiness, preparedness, and work we've done or not done in our body, mind, heart, and spirit, we can find ourselves in states from denial, fear, struggle, loss, or death to states of acceptance, love, resolution, gain, or rebirth.  
Our meditation practice can therefore provide the foundation for the inner work involved to move through it by providing a steadfast determination toward the central point of it all where movement subsides and a clear, quiet knowing arises.  Like the mountain that is large and vast at its base, it rises above to greater heights and points of view across the horizon of life...and only at its peak does one gain that 360 degree direct experience with all that is.  From elevating upward to a more expanded awareness or consciousness, one can experience the one consciousness behind it all.  Connecting or meditating to such a state of mind where you can flow in that one consciousness, IS where clarity and firm action comes through resolutely, opening the floodgates that have halted your inner growth.  From here comes the strength to set in order that that has been chaotic or even confusing as the value of our time on this earth becomes clear as day.  To set in balance that that has been tipping the scales keeping us running to and fro for there is no right or left just front and center.  And from the heart at this vantage we feel the entirety of it all and the meaning and purpose of our life in it. We are blessed with that fleeting but powerful mystical drop of the infinite having come through our crown to the root of our very existence.
May we taste that drop and meet the infinite such that the inner work we all must do on our personal unique journey here, is done with grace, kindness, and pure love for ourselves and each other.

Yogic Meditation Workshop
October 19th

*yoga asanas 
*gayatri mantra 13x for the eclipse/full moon
*25 min meditation
*soup & sharing

Please call/text/ or email to reserve your spot!

Prema Devii 
(Yoga Therapist, 500 RYT,  M.A. Education)