Sunday, December 29, 2013

Food is Medicine...Eating is Ritual (WORKSHOP SERIES)

Food is Medicine
Eating is Ritual

In each workshop you will:  
(offered individually or as a series)

*Learn how to relate to, prepare, and eat food nutritionally from ayurvedic, taoist, and modern approaches!
-samples & recipes of inspiring, tasty, organic raw juices, smoothies, meals, & snacks included to showcase what to eat/drink for breakfast, lunch, dinner, & snacks (80% vegan & gluten-free)
-showcasing optimal live, raw & cooked organic foods, superfoods, medicinals, herbs, teas, and healing supplements 
-each person learns their unique constitution and how to eat according to it as well as the seasons to keep in balance with the elements

*Purify and nourish the body, mind, and spirit 
properly, from the inside out w/ structural guidance and method, communal support, & yoga!
-information & techniques will be deepened through yoga instruction 
and workbook (included) 
-the yoga helps to detoxify as well as deliver nutrient rich fluids to deprived areas of the body and mind

*Attain vibrant health, healing, fitness, & conscious development through empowered understanding, insights, and meditation!
-two weeks are given to put into practice the delicious and motivating changes 
in diet and lifestyle for each step
-your commitment to taking each step and putting it into practice is essential so we will be strengthening will and focus through key yogic techniques

Workshop/Step #1:  
Purifying your diet and gradual detoxification
January 11th,  2014
10am - 3pm

Workshop/Step #2: 
Cleansing and strengthening liver function
 January 25th, 2014
10am - 3pm

Workshop/Step #3: 
Healing, rebuilding, and improving digestion
February 8th, 2014 
10am - 3pm 

Workshop/Step #4: 
 Maximizing nutrient absorption & elimination 
February 22nd, 2014 
10am - 3pm 

Workshop/Step #5: 
Strengthening the immune system, decreasing inflammation & balancing hormones for proper metabolism in the body 
March 1st, 2014 
10am - 3pm 

sharing of recipes, stories, food ceremony, closing thoughts & reflections celebration, sunset yoga & meditation... 
12 noon-sunset
(outdoor location to be announced)

" are what you eat and you live according to how you think..."

Register w/ Prema Devii "Trish"
(500 RYT, M.A. Education)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Winter Solstice Meditation & yogic talk on the creation of the universe!

                                                                                                                                                                                        Photo by Prema Devii

Winter Solstice Meditation & 
Yogic talk of the creation of the universe
We are in a countdown of ever darkening days till the winter solstice December 21st, 2013!  A time of the darkest dark to the brink of increasing light.  It provides an opportunity to delve into our deepest lessons, reflections, and realizations about ourselves, our lives, our inner journey of the soul without attachment or criticism.  To really feel and integrate the changes both obvious and subtle so they truly become part of us.  It is a time to go within and nurture those aspects of ourselves that we have denied, ignored, or neglected as well as to embrace those aspects we have accepted, attended to, or cared  for and to ground it all into our being without regret but with resolve.  This is a closing of our annual trek around our solar birth star and likewise our own individual orbit around our soul.  As the solstice unravels with increasing light,  every step is out of the old and into the new and the only way to be renewed, is to know from what depth we have come...May the darkest dark bring that depth, for no matter how we think, it is from the dark depth that we know the highest light...

The Evening:
-Gayatri Mantra 13x
-Prema's talk about the creation of the universe...
a yogic perspective
-Yogic grounding and integrative practices
-25 min meditation (10 min guided)
-Savory root vegetable soup
-Community building: reflections & sharing

Saturday, Dec. 14th, 2013
Hataraj Yoga Center 
(Prema's Studio)

Confirm your spot:
Prema Devii