Monday, October 19, 2015

MEDITATION IS A RADICAL ACT: Group Meditation this Friday October 23, 2015

Group Meditation:

Restoring our sacred connection to our Living Body of Knowledge

The wisdom teachings of Gaia, our mother earth,  have always been accessible to humanity!  Under our feet the intelligence she embodies is a web of micro villa held in grid by the root systems of plants, microbes, fungi, redwood trees...  The healing alchemy she activates is felt through the gems, crystals, mineral and rock formations we hold dear...  The vibrational shifts of her evolution are witnessed as earthquakes...  She is alive and is a living body of knowledge that can no longer wait on the timing of humankind to acknowledge her again as the gateway to the highest illuminations. The energetic meridians of her body, are transmitting valuable data and information much like our nervous system.  In the synapses of neural communication, there are transmissions of exponentially, expanding wisdom radiating from the heart of the earth.  The positive charge of our atmosphere as it connects to the negative charge of the earth sends heightened, universal intelligence through the bioconductivity of our human bodies.  We are Gaia and Gaia is us therefore!  One living, breathing, consciousness.

This is and has always been the innate wisdom of humanity.  At present, we are in times where this wisdom and that of our humanity is being threatened to extinction as people tune less and less to the earth and our inner self and more to influences, powers, and dominating forces outside.  How people live, feel, & breathe even is less from an original spark of creativity and self-expression and more from the dictates of pop and mainstream culture for example.  So much of this disempowerment and widespread delusion today is due to a weakening of the life force within each human being and to the colonizing sway of those outside forces.  It is natural to conclude in light of how the general population has been going, that our  increasing separation from the earth has gravelly weakened our life force and our power to access higher states of living and knowing. The wealth and abundance that proliferates within a living, breathing, sacred relationship with the earth can only be accessed through raw, direct experience of her and through genuine love for her as an actual goddess.  Humans have always held initiation rites and passages that served as portals to her wealth and abundance by honoring the natural elements, respecting the land, and gestating in special places within her landscapes.  Through such thresholds and meditations ecstatic states open whereby we experienced states of knowing "gnosis".  

The direct, genuine, altered states have long been on override by the inundation of cyber realities, superficial learning of too many things, and spiritual window shopping amongst a plethora of human addictions, obsessions, and unfulfilling habits/tendencies that have taken us furthest away from the earth.  Her deepest secrets, wisdom, and brightest illuminations have yet to be fully engaged and activated by the 8 billion + people who walk upon her.  The particular signature of our societal times that single-handedly destroys our sacred relationship to the earth and its teachings being the constant wearing of rubber shoes that block our connection to her frequencies of information,  the utilization of unnatural materials & products in our homes, the chemical subjugation of natural farming methods & health practices, the genetic manipulation of our food supply, all these and more have in sum, denature, desensitize, & dull our inherent ability to tap into the formidable "life knowledge" of the planet  and has in turn cut many off from a genuine, interactive path of wisdom seeking within themselves.

Meditation is a radical act therefore and essential to improving the quality of our lives as humans.   It is one practice of many that the seekers of ancient times have used to refine the process of our souls quest for inner knowing about the nature of the universe, the origins of this planet, our role as a species, and the passage beyond the veil. Given the heavy warfare of distraction, compulsion, consumerism, colonizing belief systems and more on our collective psyche as a people, let alone our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health as individuals, we through group meditation place ourselves in the highest sovereign position right on the front line.  To meditate can no longer be approached generically and superficially as a way to relax & reduce stress.  We no longer have the time for such luxury.  The earth has been communicating that currently we are at a pivotal make or break point, when it is an outright necessity to meditate and connect with the earth and ourselves as living bodies of knowledge.  Through restoring the rites and rituals of the earth as a mystery school, where we go to her and be within her beauty, we will raise and strengthen our own life force again such that we are able to singlehandedly and collectively, preserve and protect the qualities that distinguish us as humans and not become cyborgs.
 Connecting, honoring, and illiciting real knowledge and power in our lives originates within the mother, the divine feminine within us all.  All the ancient mystery schools have always taught humanity to turn inward, that the keys are within our living body and the living body of the earth. To cultivate oneself w/ determination and discipline on this organic path of insight and illumination is what will insure the greatest quality of humanness of the earths 8billion + people.  To sit with ourselves and cultivate discernment of mind, sovereignty of heart, and true liberation of the human spirit from the grips of fear based paradigms and ideologies is the work of our meditation.   The elucidations of the earth and the one light within ourselves, await our arrival.

Join me for a powerful, partly guided group meditation that awakens our sentient connection to the earth and ourselves as a living body of knowledge.  In this way we in full, conscious power return to the earth and live her mythology... and fly from her light back to the great source...

~~~Join us this October 23, 2015~~~
tea & soup served
Register: 808-269-2638

trish pascual
prema devii
E-500RYT, M.A

1 comment:

  1. I woke up this morning feeling calm and peaceful from last nights meditation. Being with our Mother Earth had a very positive effect on me. Thank you Prem for an amazing journey.
