Monday, May 7, 2012


Welcome everyone!
        This is the beginning of my official PremaYoga Blog where I can offer
ongoing dialogue with you on yoga, a whole body, mind, and soul/spirit
system brought to us from India over 5,000-7,000 years ago!  This blog is to
bring the ancient wisdom and knowledge inherent in yoga to the forefront,
such that the postures may never be misconstrued as the end goal of yoga.      
As been said before, the postures are just one spoke of the wheel of the bicycle
that is yoga.  To demystify yoga as an ancient science of health, healing, fitness,
and conscious/spiritual development, is my purpose here.  It is also to create a
better network or community, a "sangha" of yoga practitioners amongst whom
we can continue to learn, enrich our lives, and support our individual practice!
May many more come to truly appreciate yoga as an effective and meaningful
system or tool, as it was transferred to us as a means to liberation.  Liberation
from the bondage and suffering of the physical through the awakening and
ever deepening connection to the creative source behind it all!
                                                                              Prema Devii

1 comment:

  1. Great job Trish! Looking forward to learning more about yoga through your blog!
