Thursday, August 30, 2012

DETAILS: Yoga for Weight Loss & Vibrant Health

   E  M  P  O  W  E  R    T H Y     S E L F

    An Eight Week Yoga/Diet Program

Weekly Workshop w/ Weekly Yoga Practice:

Saturday Workshops:
-We meet for four Saturdays:
- 9am-12noon (3hrs)

Sept. 15th
Sept. 22nd
Sept. 29th 
Oct. 13th

1-learn diet, nutrition, herbs, and supplements to clean and improve digestion as the "GUT" is the "SEAT OF HEALTH"

2-start, develop, and maintain a strong yoga flow sequence to increase metabolism, shape, tone, align, strengthen, and open, and balance the body, mind, spirit

3-utilize powerful breathing techniques to bring efficiency to body systems, balance endocrine system, detoxify, reduce stress, and revitalize internal organs

4-support each other and build a community based on empowered health and vitality

5-eat consciously with healing intent for a healthy relationship to food as medicine 
for the mind, body, soul:  
*raw veggie juices or smoothies to start the workshop

*vegan/gluten-free lunch and tea (50% raw, all organic, freshly
 prepared dishes that showcase different ethnic flavors/styles)

*you will learn how to think about, prepare, and enjoy putting 
nourishing, highly nutritious ingredients together to specifically
address health concerns/issues/goals

6-develop weekly meal planning for quality routines/habits

Yoga/Asana Wednesdays:
-We meet for eight Wednesdays 
-9am-10:30am  (1.5hrs)

Sept. 19th           Oct. 17th
Sept. 26th           Oct. 24th
Oct. 3rd              Oct. 31st
Oct. 10th             Nov. 7th

*-the first month you will have 2 full yoga/asana 
classes a week
*the second month you will have 1 full yoga/asana class a week and have a personal practice that I develop for you to target key points unique to you and your body type

$540 Tuition incl. meals  ($100 deposit)
(payment plan and work study available)
Register: Call 808-269-2638

Workshop Leader:
Prema Devii  “Trish” 
Prema Devii is a yoga instructor, yoga therapist, and Thai yoga posturer with her M.A. in Education. 

Friday, August 24, 2012


Yoga for Weight Loss (8 week program)

"Empower Thy Self"

Weekly Workshop w/ Weekly Yoga Practice:
*learn diet, nutrition, herbs, and supplements to clean and improve digestion,
*develop a strong yoga sequence 2x a week to increase metabolism,
*return to powerful breath work to bring efficiency to body systems,
*build community support,
*eat a vegan/gluten free meal together,
*start a healthy, empowered relationship w/ food,
*walk away with a meal plan for each week
*develop quality routines/habits

Workshop Saturdays:             Yoga/Asana Wednesdays:
Sept. 15th                                               Sept. 19th      Oct. 17th
Sept. 22nd                                              Sept. 26th      Oct. 24th
Sept. 29th                                               Oct. 3rd         Oct. 31st
Oct. 13th                                                Oct. 10th       Nov. 7th
   *9am-12noon (3hrs)                              *9am-10:30am (1.5hrs)

$540 incl. meals  ($100 deposit)
Register:  Call 808-269-2638 or

Workshop Leader:
Prema Devii "Trish"  

Monday, August 20, 2012


     This past Saturday was the start of another group transforming in the heart of yoga!!!
Very excited as the stories and insights shared demonstrate the work we each already do on the path to greater union, liberation, and development of consciousness.  I'd like to share with everyone what we
are working on as a group and invite you to begin practicing the first two limbs of yoga, the YAMAS AND NIYAMAS to purify the mind.  In the traditional study and practice of yoga, these ethics/morals/values were practiced by the yogi/yogini before any practicing of postures or asanas.  As we study and apply the YAMAS AND NIYAMAS, one can see how what is crucial to conscious, spiritual growth is the purifying of thoughts that are detrimental to our character.  Thoughts based on harm, judgement, discontent, comparison, ignorance, disrespect etc. essentially injure ourselves, our own spiritual integrity, compassion, and ability to cultivate deeper wisdom and understanding.  So as we can see, these first two limbs help us avoid the kinds of thoughts that decelerate growth and cultivate or maintain the kinds of thoughts and actions that accelerate growth toward higher consciousness! This week the workshop group/ SANGHA is working on APARIGRAHA AND BRAHMACARYA.  Any insights, comments, trials and tribulations, reflections, or questions may be posed here as this forum is open to everyone.    Here they are:


AHIM'SA:   Not acting or thinking in ways that inflict harm on others 

APARIGRAHA:   Not accumulating beyond one's simple/basic needs

BRAHMACARYA:  Not perceiving others & life in general as separate from the divine

SATYA:   Not using words or thoughts in ways that harm others

ASTEYA:  Not stealing or desiring what is of another either in thought or action


SANTOS'A: Maintaining equanimity through contentment

SHAOCA: Maintaining purity and quality of mind

SVA'DHYA'YA: Acquiring knowledge of the nature of the universe

TAPAH: Practicing selfless service to others

IISHVARA PRAN'IDHAN'NA: Ideating on the supreme source/consciousness

P.S. the above symbol used to represent the medical field in Western culture is 
actually an ancient yogic symbol of the energy centers of the body with the two
polar energies of ida (feminine) and pingala (masculine) weaving through the central
nerve plexis.  The open wings up top represent the opening of higher consciousness
in union with the divine creator or supreme consciousness.  It is called the caduceus.
The Greeks are responsible for its modern day use in the medical field.

Prema Devii