Sunday, December 29, 2013

Food is Medicine...Eating is Ritual (WORKSHOP SERIES)

Food is Medicine
Eating is Ritual

In each workshop you will:  
(offered individually or as a series)

*Learn how to relate to, prepare, and eat food nutritionally from ayurvedic, taoist, and modern approaches!
-samples & recipes of inspiring, tasty, organic raw juices, smoothies, meals, & snacks included to showcase what to eat/drink for breakfast, lunch, dinner, & snacks (80% vegan & gluten-free)
-showcasing optimal live, raw & cooked organic foods, superfoods, medicinals, herbs, teas, and healing supplements 
-each person learns their unique constitution and how to eat according to it as well as the seasons to keep in balance with the elements

*Purify and nourish the body, mind, and spirit 
properly, from the inside out w/ structural guidance and method, communal support, & yoga!
-information & techniques will be deepened through yoga instruction 
and workbook (included) 
-the yoga helps to detoxify as well as deliver nutrient rich fluids to deprived areas of the body and mind

*Attain vibrant health, healing, fitness, & conscious development through empowered understanding, insights, and meditation!
-two weeks are given to put into practice the delicious and motivating changes 
in diet and lifestyle for each step
-your commitment to taking each step and putting it into practice is essential so we will be strengthening will and focus through key yogic techniques

Workshop/Step #1:  
Purifying your diet and gradual detoxification
January 11th,  2014
10am - 3pm

Workshop/Step #2: 
Cleansing and strengthening liver function
 January 25th, 2014
10am - 3pm

Workshop/Step #3: 
Healing, rebuilding, and improving digestion
February 8th, 2014 
10am - 3pm 

Workshop/Step #4: 
 Maximizing nutrient absorption & elimination 
February 22nd, 2014 
10am - 3pm 

Workshop/Step #5: 
Strengthening the immune system, decreasing inflammation & balancing hormones for proper metabolism in the body 
March 1st, 2014 
10am - 3pm 

sharing of recipes, stories, food ceremony, closing thoughts & reflections celebration, sunset yoga & meditation... 
12 noon-sunset
(outdoor location to be announced)

" are what you eat and you live according to how you think..."

Register w/ Prema Devii "Trish"
(500 RYT, M.A. Education)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Winter Solstice Meditation & yogic talk on the creation of the universe!

                                                                                                                                                                                        Photo by Prema Devii

Winter Solstice Meditation & 
Yogic talk of the creation of the universe
We are in a countdown of ever darkening days till the winter solstice December 21st, 2013!  A time of the darkest dark to the brink of increasing light.  It provides an opportunity to delve into our deepest lessons, reflections, and realizations about ourselves, our lives, our inner journey of the soul without attachment or criticism.  To really feel and integrate the changes both obvious and subtle so they truly become part of us.  It is a time to go within and nurture those aspects of ourselves that we have denied, ignored, or neglected as well as to embrace those aspects we have accepted, attended to, or cared  for and to ground it all into our being without regret but with resolve.  This is a closing of our annual trek around our solar birth star and likewise our own individual orbit around our soul.  As the solstice unravels with increasing light,  every step is out of the old and into the new and the only way to be renewed, is to know from what depth we have come...May the darkest dark bring that depth, for no matter how we think, it is from the dark depth that we know the highest light...

The Evening:
-Gayatri Mantra 13x
-Prema's talk about the creation of the universe...
a yogic perspective
-Yogic grounding and integrative practices
-25 min meditation (10 min guided)
-Savory root vegetable soup
-Community building: reflections & sharing

Saturday, Dec. 14th, 2013
Hataraj Yoga Center 
(Prema's Studio)

Confirm your spot:
Prema Devii

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

FOOD IS MEDICINE...LIVING IS SPIRITUAL #2 (Deep nourishment for fall w/ Red Dahl Soup)

The temperature is colder, the air drier, the wind moves more irratically, the days are darker, trees shed their leaves, animals become more dormant as they retreat into their dens, perennial roots/seeds take refuge in the womb of the earth...

There are three treasures to protect, balance, and cultivate to attain the highest levels of health, healing, fitness, and conscious development: 1- prana/chi: the vital force that  that makes a seed sprout  2- ojas/jing: the deep, vital essence that supplies nourishment for growth and 3-  tejas/shen: the vital radiance that brings forth ripened fruit. We are like plants needing to be nurtured with these three energies, these three treasures:  force,  essence, and radiance.  The question in regards to our overall quality of health is to ask: "How VITAL is our force, essence, and radiance in our bodies, in our life?".  
 To what degree is the quality of my life force, life essence, and life radiance?

 Autumn is now in full and it is time to focus on building a treasure house of ojas/jing. This is the time for deep, vital nourishment to replenish our batteries.  In Taoist medicine the batteries are our kidneys.  Below is a quick list of things I've been recommending in general to focus on to keep long life in those batteries and to nourish ourselves in general to prepare for the long winter haul ahead.  By doing some conscious rituals at this time we will be able to jump into spring with vitality in our step.  Remember what we do on a day to day basis determines the quality of our life:
Fall rituals to honor ourselves, the season, and life... 1-Rub warm sesame oil into the joints or as an whole body moisturizer to reduce stiffness, increase circulation, and bring more nourishment to the surface of the skin.  Move all joints daily, intelligently to flush them of toxins that inflame them
2-Eat lots of grounding, root vegetables and oils like hemp, olive, coconut, grape seed oils
3-Start and maintain intake of herbs that build immunity like: astragalus, ginseng, medicinal mushrooms (shitake, maitake, reishi)
4-Insure proper hydration by adding a pinch of sea salt or a bit of coconut water to your water for better absorption by cells
5-Maintain intake of raw greens but have it with steamed vegetables
6-Drink liquids at somewhat room temperature and not ice cold, increase intake of herbal teas like tulsi, licorice, chai, nettle
7- Insure proper intake of magnesium like "CALM" which you can drink at night to get nourishing, deeply healing sleep, to calm and heal frayed nerves, reduce anxiety and stress, to improve muscle contraction and relaxation=proper detoxification of tissues
8-Focus on feeling nourished and not "full" by including all ayurvedic tastes:
 bitter (arugula, mustard greens, bitter melon, kale, collards), salty (sea salts like french or himalayan, astringent (slightly green bananas, cucumbers, pomegranates, tart fruits), sweet (stick to natural, raw sweetening from fruit, honey, maple syrup, blackstrap molasses), sour (kim chee, yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir) , pungent (pepper, garlic, clove,pepper ginger mustards , horseradish , wasabi , onion, etc..) (the american diet which mostly contains sweet and salty reflects the malnourishment that lays at the heart of most health issues, illness, and disease) ...oh...& eat only 80% full at most leaving 20% for digestion
9- Retreat inward reading books, writing, being creative...nourishing your soul
10- Meditate as a way to clear the mind of normal thinking, synchronize right & left brain function, cultivate inner peace, compassion, & joy, gain an expansive, all embracing view of yourself, your  life, and life in general


Red Lentil & millet Dahl Soup w/ Spinach and Chard
-Wash lentils millet and drain at least 3x
-Cover with pure water 2" and boil...adding water as you go as it soaks up a lot of water
-Spice with turmeric, ginger, fennel, coriander, cumin,  
-After boiling for a good 5 minutes allow to simmer until lentils are soft
-In bowl place greens and pour the hot soup over it to soften
-Add liquid Braggs and/or sea salt to taste and stir in
-Drizzle with a good omega oil of your choice above
-Crack some black pepper on top, squeeze of lemon, & a good pinch of chopped cilantro on top

-Give thanks to the day and to the food by placing palms over soup and infuse it with your acknowledgement  that as it enters your body you are feeding it good nourishing protein, improving your digestion, stimulating & strengthening your immune system,  reducing inflammation, and protecting cell membranes...
Prem Devii 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


November 16th, 2013

This evening will be a guided meditation through the eight limbs of yoga.  We will first review how to purify the mind and body through postures,  practice alternate nostril breathing, withdraw the senses to fine tune our awareness, develop concentration through mantra and visualization, and hold a detached but observant relationship to thoughts and feelings that arise.  Each part will be verbally guided so as to awaken a stream of conscious flow that can be more smoothly trajected toward union with infinite peace, love, and joy.  From here you will launch into your own silent, still absorption of the infinite. To transcend duality and the boundaries of time even just for a moment is a blessing that reverberates 
through ones life.   

For those who have had trouble really establishing a meditative flow, this evening will offer the guidance and signposts toward better meditations. 

 Please e-mail, call, or text to hold your spot:
Prem Devii

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


"As above, so below. As within, so without."

Yoga & Ayurveda
The seasons change and so with them, we too must change!   How we orientate, interact and take care of ourselves, nature, and life must be according to the time honored seasons.  This is the yogic way of union.  
This is the Ayurvedic way or life knowledge.  

Ayurveda is the sister science of Yoga...
that guides us in how to deeply nourish and nurture our bodies and minds in balance and harmony with the elements, the building blocks of this manifest universe.  Revering, interacting, and preparing proper foods, herbs, & medicine from the natural world, Ayurveda has for millennia, been kin to Yoga and therefore bestows a powerful medicine for us today: to live, eat, and ingest natural, organic, whole foods and medicines such that our bodies and minds are in greater resonance with the universe.  How we eat, how we breath, how we live and move with diverse ecosystems,  how we give and receive, & how we rest and restore, are the immortal keys to raising our consciousness such that spiritual development and that of the planet unfolds with least resistance.  It is quintessentially Taoist as it is the essence of who we are to do so!  It is a way of living, an attitude, a philosophy that returns us to the inherent wisdom within nature and its cycles and thereby, to the inherent wisdom within ourselves...

The more we live in union with nature, with our universe, the more we will  be sublimely empowered with what Zen Master Yoda would call, "The Force."   

Why?  This is because as Hermes said, "As above, so below. As within, so without.", the core wisdom upon which yoga and ayurveda have stood for millennia. 
 That force is THE  fountain from which true vitality and radiance come allowing our physical bodies to be light, our minds to be clear and at peace, our hearts to love unconditionally, and our consciousness to rise to spiritual heights.  

Helping to cultivate a treasure house of health, healing, fitness, and conscious development  in their purest, highest forms, I will be writing more about yogic lifestyle & optimal nutrition from Ayurvedic and Taoist perspectives. Combined with more current, progressive  ideas and thinkers on health & healing,  I hope to build a strong relationship between our bodies, our minds, 
and the foods and medicine we ingest in future blogs titled: 

  Food is Medicine * Living is Spiritual

Topics Covered:
-yogic, ayurvedic, Taoist wisdom
-nourishing, nutritious recipes
-raw juice concoctions
-super smoothies
-herbs, spices, & medicinals
-healing practices
-raising of consciousness & ones vibrational frequency
-applied ethics
-holding space & acting from our higher selves
-yoga therapy perspectives

To balancing and harmonizing ourselves with the universe!
Prema Devii 
500 RYT, M.A.

:)) Bookmark my BLOG SITE to STAY TUNED...I will be posting the recipe for that lentil soup, potato corn chowder, and essential juices & smoothie material!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Yogic Meditation for lunar eclipse: October 19th 2013

Yogic Meditation 
for the lunar eclipse... 

The lunar eclipse occurs this day Oct. 18th, a time of planet, sun, and moon alignment.  The forces of these celestial bodies no doubt creating a force within us that can go deep to the heart of the change that our soul so desperately needs to meet.  We can find ourselves depending on the readiness, preparedness, and work we've done or not done in our body, mind, heart, and spirit, we can find ourselves in states from denial, fear, struggle, loss, or death to states of acceptance, love, resolution, gain, or rebirth.  
Our meditation practice can therefore provide the foundation for the inner work involved to move through it by providing a steadfast determination toward the central point of it all where movement subsides and a clear, quiet knowing arises.  Like the mountain that is large and vast at its base, it rises above to greater heights and points of view across the horizon of life...and only at its peak does one gain that 360 degree direct experience with all that is.  From elevating upward to a more expanded awareness or consciousness, one can experience the one consciousness behind it all.  Connecting or meditating to such a state of mind where you can flow in that one consciousness, IS where clarity and firm action comes through resolutely, opening the floodgates that have halted your inner growth.  From here comes the strength to set in order that that has been chaotic or even confusing as the value of our time on this earth becomes clear as day.  To set in balance that that has been tipping the scales keeping us running to and fro for there is no right or left just front and center.  And from the heart at this vantage we feel the entirety of it all and the meaning and purpose of our life in it. We are blessed with that fleeting but powerful mystical drop of the infinite having come through our crown to the root of our very existence.
May we taste that drop and meet the infinite such that the inner work we all must do on our personal unique journey here, is done with grace, kindness, and pure love for ourselves and each other.

Yogic Meditation Workshop
October 19th

*yoga asanas 
*gayatri mantra 13x for the eclipse/full moon
*25 min meditation
*soup & sharing

Please call/text/ or email to reserve your spot!

Prema Devii 
(Yoga Therapist, 500 RYT,  M.A. Education)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Harvest moon into fall equinox meditation workshop: 

September 21st 2013

Today, September 19th 2013 is our harvest moon and on Sunday, September 21st it will be our fall equinox.  In the fullness of the moon we transition into an opportunity to balance as the equinox is a time of equal day and night...a momentary portal within which we can harness or harvest the harmony and balance of nature and its cycles.  This portal, this point where the moon face shines in full spectrum of the sun is our chance to also, look straight through all the confusion, drama, hurt, and fear directly and embrace the opposite...soak up the opposite.  Harnessing the clarity, meditation, love, and courage to hold in balance for ourselves and others, our dual, human  nature such that a unity consciousness of a spiritual nature can lead the way, into the oncoming darkening days.  It is a time also, to reflect on all the fruits of our inward and outward labor from the year and integrate them deep within, such that all lessons and wisdom truly become part of us on a cellular level.  From this psychic nourishment we can extend our roots deeper into our mother earth and tap into her well of unconditional love so that we may draw up the feminine and meet the masculine in better equilibrium within ourselves and society.  Expressing that balance in everything we intend, think, and do and celebrating in a more organic, holistic, homeostasis that is regenerating, rejuvenating, restoring, and revitalizing to our soul.  

In this meditation workshop we will be guided in a full hour of restorative yoga poses, essential oils/essences, guided relaxation and visualizations, sound therapy, and journal writing to initiate our entrance into the womb of fall where we each so desperately need to nourish, nurture, and become one with ourselves...
Join us in our sacred circle, sacred space, and sacred support as we celebrate with meaningful ritual and supportive practices, the natural cycles of life and their purpose in our lives.

Gifts for the Evening
*healing medicine: herbal teas
*nourishing carrot yam coconut soup to share and ground our evening
*workshop journal & flower

***Please call or email to register***

Prema Devii "Trish"

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Reflections from our Meditation: August 24th 2013

Reflections from our Meditation:
August 24th 2013
 " If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite."  
William Blake

Keep your meditation time as a special, sacred time for you to enter, and find refuge from the day to day world.  Allow it to be the place where you find space within yourself to detach from the mind, a space where you can simply witness its' functioning, processing, and patterns with wonder and interest so that you remain open and willing to really reflect on what you find and learn about yourself from it.  This is the beginning of cultivating that most intimate relationship wherein the universal "I" or higher self can heal, teach, and transform the small "I" or ego self that battles, struggles, and suffers to find wholeness and peace.  Know that this is the practice for you to transcend the day to day duality that the ego thrives in, that world of opposites where it is pushed and pulled between highs and lows, better and worse, love and hate, fear and courage.  Your meditation is the laboratory where you transcend that "battling," that "drama" so that you can have rest and connect to what is the real truth: that it is your birthright to experience unity, oneness, and connection with all things, that you are not alone, you are not separate, you are not lacking in anything ever, that everything you truly need and desire is within that most sacred heart space.  For you, in your natural, divine state that is directly experienced when you silence your mental thought waves, remember the sacred company, eternal connection, and wholeness within which you are part.  As you tune into your breath inhaling life energy and affirmations that nourish and serve, you likewise exhale toxins and negativity that devitalize and don't serve.  That brief pause between receiving and releasing, living and dying is the glimpse, a taste of what meditation is.  Be steady and regular in your meditation, make it a habit, part of your daily routine and that pause, that suspension of mental chatter, will deepen and expand and your sense of time will fade.  For that suspension is an example of the pure meditative flow that brings us to the riverbank of deep, eternal peace, joy, stillness, quiet, and oneness...  That suspension of thought called meditation is medicine for the mind, body, and spirit because it "recalibrates" us, brings us deep into the healing mode of our parasympathetic nervous system and activates brain wave states that open the doorway to a cleansed perception, an inner knowing, pure realization, and liberating expansion of consciousness that dissolves the indoctrination, conditioning, and fear that limits us and keeps us down. 

 Take time and patience in your meditation to really receive, absorb, and feel the essence of being greater, wiser, compassionate, and empowered by the more loving presence you are developing within yourself.  Allow the mind to come to this riverbank by taking each meditation as a unique journey all its' own, a journey back to that peaceful joy and still quiet wherein your true divine being can be seen.  Look, do you see yourself more clearly than ever.  Listen, do you hear the resonance in your own true, divine voice.  Feel its' high vibration that comes through when the dulling beta waves and distractions and noise are put to rest.  Wait patiently for its' alpha state of relaxation and calm to bring you into the vivid imagery and/or guidance of theta meditation where the lines between this world and that begin to merge.  No longer in the droning monotony of the mundane life with its' push and pull to have this and leave that but, flow further still with trust, faith, and surrender to the highest source of life.... toward limitless possibilities of ecstasy and bliss by  merging with the great, expanded mind of the one consciousness from which all life has come.  Pay homage here, for you have arrived from traveling without to the sacred travel within.  As Hafiz the famous Sufi poet might say, take off your coat...stay awhile, for you have arrived at the love which has no end.  

Thank you for a beautiful meditation evening and honoring of our space and time together as one.  

Om Mani Padme Hum
Om to the diamond gem within you!!!!
An ancient mantra of Tibetan Buddhists Monks

Namaste and may the blessings of the evening shine through with each passing day!
Prema Devii




Saturday, June 29, 2013


1) Learn the 8 steps to yogic meditation

2) Practice yoga postures/asanas in a way that balances the glands of the body, balancing hormones = balancing emotions

3) Practice group meditation 20 min

4) Sharing/Reflections

TONIGHT:   June 29th, 2013

6:30pm - 7:30pm

J.A.S Dance Studio
3181 Cleveland Ave

Prema Devii “Trish”
(RYT 500, M.A. Education)

Friday, May 31, 2013

Prema Devii Yoga: Yoga: Hilton Sonoma Wine Country Hotel (Santa Rosa...

Prema Devii Yoga: Yoga: Hilton Sonoma Wine Country Hotel (Santa Rosa...: Y O G A  (focus: CORE STRENGTH) Hilton Sonoma Wine Country Hotel 3555 Round Barn Blvd Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 523-7555 ...

Yoga: Hilton Sonoma Wine Country Hotel (Santa Rosa) w/ Prema Devii "Trish"!!!!

Y O G A 
Hilton Sonoma Wine Country Hotel
3555 Round Barn Blvd
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
(707) 523-7555

9:30am -10:45am
 Bring friends & family to enjoy the beautiful grounds and hotel restaurant to make it a day of wellness!!! 

Trish "Prema Devii" instructs half the class using structural yoga therapy which informs you on how to move and breath to rehabilitate, heal, and address pressing issues that may be limiting your free movement.  Valuable insight and knowledge is shared so as to empower people to start, maintain, and develop in their practice.  Last, she uses traditional yoga poses to align, balance, stretch, open, and strengthen.  With her knowledge of Thai yoga posturing/massage, you will leave revitalized and balanced in energy. 

Recommended: Bring a mat & don't eat within 2 hrs of practice

Prema Devii "Trish"

Sunday, April 21, 2013

H a t a r a j Y O G A Center: Full Services Explained

H a t a r a j
Y  O  G  A

-Full yoga postures class taught in a way that allows one to deepen their meditation as well as  to learn the method and wisdom of yogic meditation! 1.5 hrs.....$10

Yoga Therapy:
-Private instruction using yoga postures, breathwork, mantra, meditation, diet & nutrition, ayurvedic assessments, and weekly consultations. Individual goals are met and empowering lifestyle changes occur. The guidance by Prema Devii is to support, strengthen, and bring clarity for a more inspired and empowered life on every level! 
1.5 hrs $80

Group Yoga Therapy:
-With up to 7 people maximum, the focus here is mostly on structural therapy. This is a way to regain proper structure and movement, & receive personal instruction on how to do yoga asanas correctly! 
1.5 hrs...$20

Private Yoga Instruction:
-Start, develop, and maintain a yoga asana practice at your home or 
Hataraj Yoga Center!
 1 hr....$60 +($5 for every 15min drive time)

Yoga Workshops:
-Transformation Through the Heart of YOGA”
$240 (4 days, 3hrs daily)

-YOGA FOOD ODYSSEY:  Weight Loss, Vibrant Health, & Ageless Living from the
inside out: “Empower Thy Self”
8 wk program...$540
 ***Personal food coaching & Yoga therapy***

Yoga Health Lectures:
-Be part of transforming this world!
Sponsor or host a lecture or yoga class :
At your business, office, school, or group on any various topics, themes, or goals!

Hourly... $120 
1hr Yoga class.. $100 1st 10 people 
(+$10 each additional)  

*yoga for a focused, clear, decisive mind
*yoga to destress & decompress
*yoga to revitalize, restore, & energize
*yoga for joint health
*yoga for pain management
*yogic diet & lifestyle for personal transformation
*yoga's place in the world & in shifting consciousness
*yoga for improving human relations & connection
*Thai yoga posturing/massage 
*yoga therapy approach
*yoga for mental & emotional balance
*yoga for living a balanced, inspired, & empowered life
*transformation through the heart of yoga
*yoga for weight loss, vibrant health, & ageless living
*yoga for relaxation
*yoga for stilling the mind & finding inner peace

“Yoga is a return to the inspired & empowered self, 

deep connection,union, and inner peace.  

Food and meditation is medicine that fortifies

 us on life’s journey and community is the 
foundation from which we grow.  To help bring
 people to their fullest potential in 
body, mind, & soul is the core from which
 I guide and serve others”. 

Prema Devii “Trish” is a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, Thai yoga posturer, & educator of yoga as an ancient science of body, mind, and spirit w/ her M.A. in Education!


H a t a r a j   Y O G A  Center: 
We are a growing community gathering 
around the intelligence of yoga and the desire to transform the world by transforming     ourselves!

H a t a r a j   Y O G A  Center:

3181 Cleveland Ave. Suite "E"        

1) You are invited to our opening on:
APRIL 27th
5:30 pm- 7:00 pm
Yoga for Meditation Class
*bring a mat, water, props (if any),
meditation pillow...& don’t eat 1.5hrs prior *$10

2) Open registration:
*Wednesdays 9am-10:30am
Group Yoga Therapy (women) 

Group Yoga Therapy

*bring a mat, water, props (if any),
& don’t eat 1.5hrs prior *$20
