Group Meditation & Workshop:
the great leap from the ego centered self
to the heart centered soul
April 29th, 2016
tea & lentil soup
Will you be joining us as we review the inner and outer work of activating, balancing, and aligning our nerve plexus centers (chakras)? The real path of yoga was bestowed upon us so that we could attain our full development and potentiality as spiritual beings experiencing physical form. The work or path which involves tending to the quality of thoughts in our mind through the practice of ethics (1-yamas & 2-niyamas), taking care of the body and posturing it for proper life force circulation and movement (3-asanas), breath work to control how energy flows (4-pranayama), cultivating perception beyond the five senses (5-pratyahara), focusing and concentrating the mind (6-dharana), bathing the brain in meditative flows from beta to alpha to theta and beyond (7-dhyana), and dissolving attachment to individual identity to establish in the eternal self
(8-samadhi)...are the essential eight limbs of the tree. The deepened practice of all eight limbs provides the likelihood of genuine & profound experiences, unique to each person, of higher and higher states of present awareness and eternal truths. They likewise directly tune up the living tree within, that of the seven nerve plexus centers along the spine. Our regular practice of the full path allows for the fruit of the tree, the fruit of our life to blossom. Some of the sweetest fruits develop from the harmony and alignment of this living tree within like unconditional presence and love, good-will, and deep compassion to name a few...
(8-samadhi)...are the essential eight limbs of the tree. The deepened practice of all eight limbs provides the likelihood of genuine & profound experiences, unique to each person, of higher and higher states of present awareness and eternal truths. They likewise directly tune up the living tree within, that of the seven nerve plexus centers along the spine. Our regular practice of the full path allows for the fruit of the tree, the fruit of our life to blossom. Some of the sweetest fruits develop from the harmony and alignment of this living tree within like unconditional presence and love, good-will, and deep compassion to name a few...
In this Fridays meditation workshop, we will talk further about the struggle most find themselves, going from instability to stability to instability of basic needs at the root plexus or chakra, the imbalance between the masculine & feminine expression in the sacral plexus, and the overfeeding of the ego at the solar plexus. Such has been the prevalent struggle of humankind...the oscillating and often reckless or haphazard approach to living often throwing these centers so off course that thriving self-development is halted. This oscillating and haphazard approach is often the cause for the 'stuckness' or disempowerment most feel when they can't seem to get a hold of their lives or live deeply fulfilling lives. Such is the state of affairs for many including the world at large with its inequalities between rich a poor, dominating patriarchal systems, and image driven marketing for example.
So it is a great leap we face to move from the ego self to the heart soul not just for the individual but for our communities and world. Each plexus is the foundation for the next essentially and like a tree that needs solid ground to safely extend its roots, we need those roots for our healthy expression into the duality of life. From that expression we are able to find our identity, the trunk of our tree at our navel. These three stages are critical to whether we open at the heart and branch upward. Because of the constant struggle at these first three, the leap to real opening of the heart is a great one.
This Friday, we will spend the majority of our time however, on the heart plexus which is the strongest electromagnetic resonance of all the centers. How important it is therefore, to cultivate pure intention here. Also on the throat center and how vital it is to utilize words and our voice to carefully craft our reality. The third eye center as well and the importance on diet & visualization via meditation to keep our blissful hormones flowing. Last, the crown center...the seat of the Atman...our highest self, and what it takes to operate from here more often. To the atman, the place where we have an expanded and overarching perception beyond the physical form and can develop therefore, an empowered and aligned way of being not so vulnerable to the extreme highs and lows of the other centers.
Our guided meditation will help to refine our yoga practice because of our focus on the real inner and outer work with these nerve plexus centers of the spine. These centers are responsible for our individual tendencies and unique psychological profile. What an art it is to understand, balance, & align them so as to arrive at a more refined self. To living and tuning up the living tree of yoga within.
...Om Mani Padme Hum...
I like to call it, the polishing of the diamond gem within. Without the inner and outer work, it simply doesn't shine in radiance or come into its highest potential.
...Om Mani Padme Hum...
I like to call it, the polishing of the diamond gem within. Without the inner and outer work, it simply doesn't shine in radiance or come into its highest potential.
To the governance of the heart and the plexus centers functioning in vertical, beautiful harmony...
register for your spot & for directions to
Hataraj Yoga Center
Hataraj Yoga Center
trish 'prema'
E-500RYT, M.A
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