Thursday, April 14, 2016

Group Meditation & Workshop activate, balance, & align our unique psychology

Group Meditation & Workshop
activate, balance, & align our unique psychology

The axiom 'as above so below' is a cosmic law that governs the very nature of things including our inner workings of our mind and how it interplays with the spectrum of our emotions.  Like our universe of spinning galaxies with vortexes of energy, so too do we have the universe of spinning energies within our very body.  It is our energetic anatomy, our energy biology from which our unique psychological tendencies came through.  These imprints and expressions of our soul and our responsibility to activate & align and balance & ground them is the path of the stars.

There are seven primary nerve plexus or psychology centers.  The first is where the nerves come to a vortex at the base of our spinal chord, the tree of life.  Here, we experience some of the most primal emotions responsible for our survival in this physical form.  Above our pubic bone another vortex of nerves that allow us to experience emotions or energy in motion that are in contrast, our masculinity and femininity.  Moving up to the navel plexus of nerves the energy concentrates on emotions of individual expression in the world and identity of who and what we are.  Forth, to the most powerful, electromagnetic frequencies of the heart. What a dire leap it is to psychologically transform the thought waves and hardwiring of our minds to move from an ego centered self to a heart centered soul!  For the heart, the point at which our vertical and horizontal planes meet, the point where the heavens touch down and kiss the earth, is the sacred cross of our evolution.  With emotions of love, compassion, and divine community expressed here, OR of hate, intolerance, and the hell of separation or disconnectedness, the activation, balancing, & aligning of our unique psychology from the roots of our tree UP, becomes all too pertinent.  For what quality of sweetness is our fruit, what quality of spirit have we to show for ourselves.  
In this group meditation & workshop, we will focus on the first three plexus centers of energy, of e-motion and navigate through their activation, balancing, & aligning of their expressions through breathwork, posturing, & meditation.  

You are invited to join us and share in what makes our human experience so profound...the inner work of refining how we each individually function and feel and how the ancient path of yoga enables us to feel empowered by the spectrum of emotions.  The energy that runs through our systems are a celebration of this human form for us to evolve and refine the diamond gem within...and like a diamond it takes pressure, cutting, refining, & polishing to shine!

Tea & Minestrone Soup Served 

Will you be joining us?
 reserve your spot
April 15th, 2016

 Trish 'Prema Devii'  
E-500RYT, M.A