Sunday, June 1, 2014

FOOD IS MEDICINE...EATING IS RITUAL: Reflections and Recipes

     Wonderful to have those of you in my Food is Medicine...Eating is Ritual Workshops.  Groups 1 & 2  will be merging together at Step 4!  However, I want to keep you clear and steady in your transformation toward true health: vitality, well-being, radiance, and longevity.  Until we all merge together, you want to cultivate more and more strength and refinement in what and how you relate to and eat food.  Here are the most important things to be honing in on:

1-Creating the proper ecological condition within the body or digestive tract for adequate and proper absorption of nutrients AND elimination of toxins and solid waste

2-Choosing those foods and medicines that are of or closest to their original, "god- made design" (avoid man made, processed, refined, packaged items)...

3-Focusing on WHAT YOU CAN EAT 
*organic fruits (focus on high, nutrient rich dense, berries) and vegetables (always at least 80% of your meals)
*organic grass-fed, free-range, locally raised protein sources or
*wild rice, basmati, brown rice & legumes or beans or even better:
*quinoa, millet, amaranth, buckwheat
*amazing fats: coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, hemp oil, flax oil w/ particulates, chia seeds
*organic, sprouted seed/nut bread if you must (ezekial sprouted breads are a good option along with organic, sprouted corn tortillas
*raw, live dairy if you must...goat milk products digest better
*nuts & seeds especially: soaked & sprouted raw almonds, cashers, brazil nuts, walnuts, sunflower...chia...hemp...sesame...
*herbal teas
*purified water w/ pinch of celtic sea salt or himalayan sea salt (hydrate on an empty stomach not while eating please)
*organic yogurts without added sugars, kefir, kim chee, sauerkraut, 
*organic raw cacao products & super foods 
*organic red or small fingerling or marble potatoes 
*spices/herbs (make food enzymatic, more digestible & medicinal)

4-Supplements to clean out digestive tract:
*psyllium husk + caprylic acid or coconut oil + bentonite clay (little to no issues) or
*triphala cleanse + all the above or (medium issues)
*chia seeds w/ water + all the above  (sensitive issues in digestion)

5-Honoring Thy body & mind as a Temple through healthy habits:
*hydrating in the morning .5-quart of pure water w/ sea salt
*drinking warm lemon tea after to help remove mucous plaque from intestines
*intake supplements above to clean out digestion
*free your joints and/or do yoga asanas for detoxification
*intake BRAGGS organic, raw apple cider vinegar as a shot or tonic 10 min. before each meal and/or
*intake whole leaf aloe vera juice 10 min before meals 
*have your biggest meal at breakfast or lunch at latest
*eat your last meal before it gets dark
*digest meals completely before eating the next or snacking
*eat slow and make sure food is mashed up in mouth as completely as possible before swallowing
*eat no more than 80% full 20% for digestion
*a minimum of 80% vegetables 20 % protein
*layer food for proper digestion (see sample dish below as an example)
*if you must drink something while eating, let it be herbal tea
*intake enzymes especially if you have and eat contrary to what we've discussed
*get at least .5 exercise, good rest, 20 min at least of sunshine, fresh air, and good times with friends & family
*take yogic breaths to release stress, detox, and alkaline the body
*meditate or sit still with focus on your breath and keeping a clear, relaxed inner self
*keep a journal and open communication along this journey
*reflect and share with your support group about what you are feeling, discovering, and experiencing 
*keep each other motivated, inspired, and steady in stride

Prems Recipe Breakfast:
A big plate of baby arugula, chard, kale, spinach, & tat soi w/softly running poached eggs. This is dressed w/ Prems signature dressing: grape seed vegenaise, raw apple cider vinegar, namo shoyu, nutritional yeast.  Last, making it more digestible and yummy, layering lots of hemp seed oil, hemp seeds, raw goat feta cheese, lemon zest, paprika, cayenne, and lemon juice.  Warmed sprouted corn tortillas on the side :))

Prem Devii
E-500RYT, M.A

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