The Ancient Science of Yoga
We are energy beings! The ancients have lived in accordance with this understanding and have, developed health and healing practices not only to maintain vitality, but also to raise consciousness. For now, we will focus on health and healing on the physical level.
We in this culture are now aware of these age old practices that have come from the East. They are all based on the fact that we are energy: Tai Chi, Chi Gong, acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu, reflexology, Thai massage & yes, Y O G A! Keep in mind yoga went eastward and the essence of yoga evolved into the practices before mentioned.
Much like the earth, we have a north and south pole through which energy enters our body/mind system: the feet and the crown of the head, the hands, orifices of the body, and the skin. In yoga, this energy, this "life force" that animates us, brings all things to life, keeps us going, moving, is called PRANA. It is the life force that is best understood as that that makes a seed sprout, that that makes that sprout a plant, that plant a tree, that tree to bear abundant fruit, that fruit that feeds & nourishes us etc... That energy, that life force, that PRANA moves, transfers from one thing to another, and can be regenerated, can be used to rejuvenate, restore, and revitalize our beings. How you might ask?
The physical movement of prana in our system is like that of the earth as it moves up and down our north and south pole, our spinal cord. Much like the shape of an apple, that energy radiates out around us. That apple shape of regenerating energy is called a "torus." Furthermore, like the earth w/ its meridians, we too have meridians, those energetic lines that run up and down the body. In yoga they are called NADIIS. Some are main channels of energy and others are more subtle, but are nonetheless the physical and subtle lines of the nervous system.
Now, focusing on Y O G A asanas/postures!
We are drawing in energy efficiently through mindful, quality breathing. The very air is charged w/ energy, w/ electricity. This is how yogis have been able to sustain organ function in deep, long states of meditation and how Nikola Tesla discovered the concept of "free energy." So, keeping very linear in our logic here, one can understand how the control of the breath equals control of energetic flow in the body. Control of the breath is one of the central techniques in Y O G A and is called:
PRANAYAMA (control of energy, of the prana)!
So, we are drawing in energy and then our movement with breath gets that energy to flow through us, we are directing it. This FLOW, as in our VINYASA style sequences, is very useful in achieving overall flexibility as flexibility is overall flow of energy. Second, as we stretch deeper in poses, we are in essence, improving the quality of how that energy moves in that line that the stretch is in.
My colleague Swami Kriyananda says,
"You are like the plumber cleaning the tubes, the plumbing of the body."
Yes there is the physical benefit of stretching the muscles, aligning bones, strengthening joints, and becoming more flexible on the whole, but it is because we are IMPROVING THE "PLUMBING", THE QUALITY OF THE FLOW OF ENERGY! WE ARE IMPROVING THE VOLUME OF PRANIC ENERGY WHERE IT IS LACKING, MOVING PRANIC ENERGY WHERE IT IS IN EXCESS, AND DISTRIBUTING IT EVENLY THROUGHOUT!
Third, when we hold a pose we become acutely aware of where we are tight or weak etc. These are the areas where energy is or hasn't been flowing, where energy is or has been depleted or lacking altogether, where energy is unstable or not strong, or where energy needs to be released or evened out...This is why the most important part of our practice is to get more and more quality breaths while in a posture as we are addressing and correcting all of these things. So direct the energy, use the breath, and listen to the body/mind system and let the inner intelligence within guide the practice.
This inner work is the real yoga!
To conclude, let's talk about our physical health.
In a nutshell, improving the "plumbing", improving the flow of energy, the quality of energy, the volume of energy, filling it in where it is lacking, moving energy out when it is in excess or negatively affecting us, and last, making sure it is balanced throughout our bodies and mind, allows us to reach higher states of health and well-being! This is due to the simple fact that better energetic flow equals better circulation of blood, nutrients, lymph, etc. which allows for healing, fitness, and vibrant health to occur. Remember energy is the underlying principal, it is what moves, it is what gets things circulating. When energy flows, this equals better movement in the body due to the awakening and nourishing of those parts that have been damaged, overused, abused, and ignored. This equals less discomfort, illness, and pain. This equals a sense of well-being. When we feel well in our body energy is flowing, there are no blockages, no stagnation. We are breathing well, moving intelligently to balance ourselves, our movements, our posture. We are nourishing ourselves with breath and allowing for that torus shape of regenerating, abundant energy to flow around and through our body, our mind ever aware of the infinite supply of this life force from the very universe we live in.
When we are radiating in this way, how can we not want to connect deeper with that infinite source of life, how can we not want to be of service to each other, how can we, in that abundance, not want to achieve higher states of being with ourselves and each other as there is truly no need to fear that there isn't enough...when there is the INFINITE!
to truth, love, light, and energy
Prema Devii